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How stop termites before they get started

By Admin
on 24 Dec 2015 6:04 PM

Stopping these invaders starts with an understanding of them and what they’re looking for.
When it comes to eating, a termite is looking for anything that contains cellulose. Most often, that’s wood, but paper, cardboard, carpet and even cloth might draw its attention. They also need a source of moisture to help prevent their bodies and even their colony from dying out.

Termites or white ants

Termites, also known as white ants, play a vital role in our ecosystem. They maintain nature's balance by digest wood and other cellulose material, breaking down dead trees and vegetation. However, when termites invade homes, they become major pests. Your biggest investment may be at risk. Many species of termites cause considerable damage to homes, furniture, and other structures

So, it is really important to have annual inspections because early discovery provides you with a head start in solving this problem. After a thorough inspection, we will provide you with a customized and individualized assessment and treatment plan. We can help you get rid of termites regardless of your home's construction type, material, or age.

Type of Termites:

Termites live in groups or colonies up to several million in number. In any colony, there are various different forms called castes. Worker castes are for food supply and tunnelling. Soldier castes defend the colony against intruders and reproductive castes are for future generations and colony survival. All termites consume cellulose (found in timber, paper, cardboard, grass etc.) as their food source.

Knowing the types helps you know where to watch out for termite invaders.

Signs of termites:

Termites live underground or hide in dark, warm and moist environments. They silently eat away from inside to out so by the time we know termites are in the home it’s usually too late. But there are signs to watch out for that could indicate a potential termite infestation:

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