Pre-Construction Termite Protection Solution

In the case when a Builder missed calling us on time before concreting, we have a very professional and acceptable HomeGuard solution for termite protection.
By chiselling around every penetration and applying silicon like material name (Termiflex) produced by HomeGuard physical termite barrier manufacturer to solve this issue of termite protection.
This photo shows the end result and how the Termiflex termite solution seals the gaps around the pipe and closing any chance of entry point termites may have.
HomeGuard Blue Sheets installed by professional termite control technicians to subfloor walls and stumps before installing barrels and joists.
Best Termites Control provides professional termite protection solutions in Melbourne. For more information, please call Best Termites Control on 1800 780 820 or send your request through our online termite inspection and treatment enquiry form (click here) and receive termite service discount.